Monday, December 15, 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

DO NOW: I would consider it a bad joke Why? because is a bad thing to do in your class and wasting time. I thing two that is a harmful joke. Because if kids get into computer in school and they see the front page they are goint  to tell the teacher and Robert is goint to be in big problems with the school or with his mom. 

Monday, December 8, 2008

DO NOW ; As a technology writer you will use the internet to explore the topic of teen hacking , its consequences, and why it is unethical. You will gather research on the internet  about the subject and then write a newspaper opinion of the newspaper  

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I thing that what that girl is a bad girl because that those thing that she put in her my space is bad because that is bad. I fell bad about that boy that he seed that he was  gay I thing that that is a bad move in his live.  I thing that what that man did  was unethical and bad. I also thing that is bad like bully people on my space or face book because they are bad people. I also thing that is bad for the all the people like us.  I also thing that if you do something bad it would affect your live      

DO NOW:What is the mission toady for your essay? That if you did not finish your essay you neath to finish. Because if your essay is not finish your essay is bad grade.   

Tuesday, December 2, 2008